Who Provides Product Development?

You may be wondering who provides product development services. The answer is that there are many different service providers, each with its strengths and weaknesses. Here is a brief overview of some of the most popular options:

Offshore Development Centers

Offshore development centers (ODCs) provide offshore software development services. ODCs typically have many employees and can offer a wide range of services, including custom software development, web development, and mobile app development.

There are many benefits to working with an ODC, including access to a large pool of skilled workers, lower labor costs, and increased efficiency. However, some risks are associated with offshore development, including language barriers, cultural differences, and time zone differences.

To read more, read the full article here: https://www.petermanfirm.com/blog/product/who-provides-product-development/



Peterman Design Firm

The Peterman Design Firm is a conscious design firm creating growth for clients across industries through innovative product & brand design.